Tell TUI Group to stop profiting from dolphin cruelty

Every day, captive dolphins endure unimaginable conditions and endless suffering.

You have the power to help us end this cruelty by signing our petition. Urge TUI Group to cease profiting from dolphin captivity.

TUI Group, one of the world’s largest travel companies, sells tickets to 25 venues where about 400 dolphins are held captive. In captivity, dolphins face a lifetime of misery in tanks around 200,000 times smaller than their natural habitats. Some never experience sunlight, while others have no shade. They perform tricks for tourists in exchange for dead, frozen fish and endure loud noises and relentless interactions daily.

What can be done?

Together, we can make a significant difference. Travel companies such as Jet2Holidays, Expedia Group, Virgin Holidays, TripAdvisor, British Airways Holidays,, and Thomas Cook have already severed ties with the cruel captive dolphin industry. Why not TUI Group?

It's time to make our message impossible to ignore by targeting their profits. Sign our petition and then join our boycott not to purchase any TUI products until they cease their support of dolphin exploitation. 
Together, we can ensure that TUI gets the message: dolphins deserve to live in the wild, not in captivity for entertainment.